Coconut Oil For Razor Bumps
Shaving is undoubtedly the go-to method for quick and easy hair removal on a daily basis. However, this convenient approach often results in unpleasant effects on the skin, such as razor burn and skin irritation. Fortunately, the use of Coconut oil for razor bumps can be an effective solution to tackle these uncomfortable consequences of shaving.
Razor bumps and razor burn can occur on any shaved part of your body. Nonetheless, there are some areas of the skin where it’s more uncomfortable than others. Fortunately, the simple addition of coconut oil into your routine can help to alleviate and even prevent razor bumps.
When you use coconut oil for shaving, you get all the benefits of the oil’s natural nutrients in addition to an excellent shaving cream option. Coconut oil relieves dry skin, promotes long-term moisture, soothes irritation from friction burns, and helps to heal heat burns due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
Why Should You Start Using Coconut Oil?
If you’ve always wondered how to get rid of a shaving rash, you might look no further than coconut oil. Simply apply coconut oil to the affected area.
Ideally, you should choose virgin coconut oil, also known as wet-processed coconut oil. This is made by processing the raw flesh from the coconut.
Other coconut oils, such as those that undergo dry processing, have much fewer nutrients making them less beneficial for treating skin conditions. Additionally, purchasing a high quality organic or expeller-pressed coconut oil ensures that you aren’t rubbing any unwanted chemicals into your skin. Make sure to avoid coconut oil varieties that have been chemically altered or contain extracts.
The presence of Lauric acid in coconut oil makes it an antibacterial and anti-fungal. This decreases the likelihood of your skin will becoming infected from razor bumps and other skin conditions. It can also be used for acne on the face and body, as well as eczema and psoriasis.
While fighting infection, coconut oil does double duty to soothe the skin. Antioxidants also reduce oxidative stress on the skin and heal inflammation. At the same time, saturated fatty acids and vitamin E offer the skin lasting moisture.
How Does Coconut Oil Help Your Skin?
- Coconut oil is an anti-bacterial. This means that it can help to remove harmful bacteria from your skin without drying out your skin or causing the problems of antibacterial soaps. This means decreased chance of dermatitis or bacterial infections that may cause skin irritation.
- It is an antioxidant. Antioxidants offer anti-aging benefits that prevent the absorption of free radicals while eliminating free radicals that might already be damaging the skin.
- The nutrients in coconut oil reduce inflammation. It calms redness and puffiness while also relieving some of the discomfort that arises from bumps and burns. Reducing inflammation can also be a preventative measure since the more that you scratch or pick at an irritated area, the more likely it is to become further infected.
- The fatty acids in the coconut oil trap moisture into the skin barrier. Coconut oil’s ability to moisturize out-performs mineral oil as an emollient. This means repairing and protecting the skin barrier while giving it the ability to purge infection when necessary.
Razor Bumps Vs Razor Burns
Razor bumps and razor burns are two of the most common skin problems that arise from shaving. These are both minor conditions, but if left without care, they can become difficult to get rid of. Even basic razor burn can lead to more painful skin irritation or infection.
Whether you have normal or sensitive skin, coconut offers one of the best home remedies for razor bumps and razor burn.
Razor Bumps
Razor bumps (pseudofolliculitis barbae) are sometimes referred to as ingrown hairs. These are usually red bumps that form on an area that has recently been shaved. They are common on the neck, cheeks, armpits, legs, and pubic regions. Nonetheless, they can form anywhere.
When left untreated, razor bumps can grow into potentially painful pus-filled pimples. They leave the skin open to contracting a bacterial infection, which can cause wider-spread inflammation and irritation.
Ingrown hairs or razor bumps are caused when a shave cuts close to the hair follicle. The hair then retreats beneath the surface of the skin after the shave. Problems occur when the hair is curved or has a sharp end that irritates the skin as it begins to grow out.
These bumps most commonly occur from improper shaving practices, such as shaving against the hair growth or pressing too hard with the razor. For prevention, it’s also a good to soften the hair in warm water before applying shaving cream or coconut oil.
Razor Burns
Razor burn, on the other hand, is a more common and less harmful irritation. Most razor burn will clear up after a few minutes. Longer-lasting burns, however, happen when the skin is scratched or subject to further abrasion. Too much scratching can harm the skin surface, prolonging healing times, and making it more likely for bacterial infection to develop blisters. It’s important to avoid shaving over the same area repeatedly or too closely, especially when it comes to sensitive areas like those that might be waxed during a Brazilian wax.
Razor burn is most commonly caused by shaving dry skin. Coconut oil can help to moisturize the skin while you shave, thus reducing razor burns. It’s also important to remember to moisturize after shaving to prevent razor burn since shaving exfoliates the skin.
Avoid razor burn by making sure that your razor blades remain sharp and by replacing the blades as needed. It’s also good practice to avoid swiping the blade over the same area of skin too many times. Putting too much pressure on the blade while shaving will add unnecessary friction which can damage the surface of the skin, causing razor burn.
To use coconut oil for razor burn, simply smooth a thin layer over the affected area, similar to using aloe vera for a sun burn.

Who Is Coconut Oil For?
Coconut oil can be used to improve all steps of the shaving process. Coconut oil can be used both for shaving prep, shaving lubricant, and as an after-shaving moisturizer. If you commonly have skin conditions from shaving, then it can be a good idea to use both while healing your skin.
Coconut oil is useful as a homemade shaving cream. The oil creates a smooth and lubricated surface for shaving without the burn.
Coconut is safe to use for shaving all over your body, including the more sensitive pubic area. Actually, coconut oil tends to be the best shaving lubricant for any sensitive area. This is because it softens the skin and hair, while also providing powerful moisturizing benefits. Additionally, its ability to help prevent razor bumps which can irritate a sensitive area.
In some cases, though, it may not be preferred for shaving the face among those who have oily or combination skin. Some may find that the extra oils cause breakouts. Nonetheless, it depends on the person, since many people will experience the anti-inflammatory benefits of coconut oil that will reduce and potentially relieve acne.
In rare cases, coconut oil may irritate your skin. You may experience redness, itching, and some swelling. If you find this to be the case, stop use immediately.
Shaving With Coconut Oil
Coconut oil functions as a shaving lubricant all its own to stand-in for shaving cream. For those who would like to make more of a cream to work with, you can mix and blend your own razor-burn fighting shaving creams by combining other skin-soothing ingredients, such as aloe vera.
Shaving with coconut oil isn’t like shaving with foams that are applied and then immediately shaved away and rinsed away. The coconut oil should have a chance to soak into your skin, which will help to soften the skin and hair. Softer, moisturized skin makes it less likely that shaving will cause the kind of micro-abrasions that lead to irritation.
Depending on the temperature of the shaving water, you may need to rinse your razor frequently to keep the coconut oil from building up. Keep in mind though that warm water will soften the hair making it easier to shave.
Once you finish the shaving process, you can apply more coconut oil to your skin to keep it soft and moisturized, thus reducing the likelihood of getting a rash.
Other Ways You Can Use Coconut Oil
One way to get a closer shave and reduce the chances of getting razor bumps is to exfoliate before shaving. Exfoliation means less irritation-causing dry skin on the surface. Additionally, removing the dead skin from the shaving area makes it less likely for the follicles to become infected.
You can create a simple exfoliant combining sugar with coconut oil. Exfoliants and scrubs should be used gently. Over-exfoliating or scrubbing too harshly can damage the skin before you even begin to shave.
Furthermore, coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer to treat skin irritations in areas that you don’t intend to shave. It can help soothe areas of psoriasis or eczema, as well as light burns and scarring.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes razor bumps go away overnight?
While there is no guaranteed overnight solution for razor bumps, there are several steps you can take to alleviate the discomfort and reduce their appearance.
One effective approach is to apply a warm compress to the affected area, which can help to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. Using over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or natural remedies such as aloe vera gel or tea tree oil may also provide relief.
It is important to avoid shaving until the skin has healed and to keep the affected area clean to prevent further irritation. If the razor bumps persist or worsen, it is advisable to seek medical advice from a healthcare professional.
Can you use coconut oil instead of shaving cream?
Coconut oil can indeed be used as an alternative to shaving cream, thanks to its natural moisturizing properties.
By softening and lubricating the skin, it can help to prevent irritation and razor burn during shaving. However, it is important to keep in mind that coconut oil may clog your razor blades, so it is advisable to rinse your razor more frequently while shaving.
Moreover, it may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with acne-prone or oily skin, as it can worsen these conditions. As a general rule, it is recommended to patch test on a small area of skin before using coconut oil for shaving.
Coconut oil could be just the thing your shaving routine needs to eliminate the discomforts of irritating razor bumps and burns. You can use it for any and all stages of your shaving process to help moisturize and soothe your skin.