The Van Dyke beard was once a preserve of famous people, but today it’s quite popular among many men.
It’s easy to note the design from anywhere due to its distinctive character. Additionally, its increasing popularity has resulted in numerous variations cropping up.
What Exactly is a Van Dyke Beard?
During the 17th century, men needed a different and more sophisticated beard cut hence the rise of this design.
Since then, it’s evolved to have numerous variations and spread across the globe. Ideally, it suits men who prefer to have a little or plenty of hair on their face rather than shaving it all off.
Due to the numerous variations available, it’s hard to pinpoint just one exact Van Dyke beard design. It’s why you need to pinpoint which variation suits your facial structure. Also, determine how much facial hair your comfortable having.
How to Shave your Beard to Van Dyke

Growing out your facial hair is the first step to achieving the Van Dyke beard style.
It doesn’t matter if you have plenty of hair growth or just a little spread out. Due to the numerous variations, anyone can rock the style.
Once the hair is grown, get a professional barber to trim the hair achieving the distinct T design. It is important to know how much hair you want to retain before the cutting process begins. You can also have the barber check out the Van Dyke beard variations and pick out the best for you.
Van Dyke Beard Variations
1. Full Beard Van Dyke Variation
Anyone seeking to rock this variation requires a professional cut that leaves the beard while cleaning out the cheeks. For this particular Van Dyke beard variation, you must be comfortable having lots of facial hair.
Furthermore, its best suited for less professional work environments. By choosing this variation, you can easily stand out and have a more sophisticated look.
More so, you can pair the variation with long or short hair.
2. Bushy Beard Trim Variation
A bushy look is the preserve of the bold who don’t care about having a clean look. Leave out your facial hairs to grow out as much as possible. It’s suitable, especially if you have thick hair and want to have a distinguished look.
For a better look, leave the mustache, goatee, and sideburns to grow long with only occasional trimming. Also, to complete the look, opt to leave your hair mid-length.
3. Faded Side Burns with Beard and Moustache Variation

While others like leaving the sideburns to grow long, this variation calls for fading using a clipper. You can have the sides faded for a cleaner look, keep the moustache short, and let the goatee grow longer.
Such a look is young and fresh with a taste of class. Fading of the sideburns is from top to bottom, with the top being lighter than the bottom.
4. Russian Moustache and Short Tip Beard Variation
For this Van Dyke beard variation, ensure your sideburns are clean-shaven. What is left is only the Russian longer moustache and goatee. It’s a style enjoyed by many intellectuals as well as artists for its distinct and dignified look.
Moreover, you get a classic look with a touch of modernity due to clean-shaven cheeks. Also, it doesn’t require combining of mustache and goatee hairs.
5. Semi Long Hair with Beard Variation
As a young guy, you can enjoy this Van Dyke beard variation that is cool and popular. You end up with hair on your sideburns, a mustache, and a goatee. The only difference from the Bushy variation is all the hair is kept short.
Leave the goatee a little longer than the rest of your facial hair for an unforgettable look. All who meet you will catch a glimpse of your playful and adventurous personality.
6. Short Van Dyke Beard Variation

As a man seeking to keep up with the latest trends, why not try out the short Van Dyke beard variation enjoyed by many celebrities. You get a mustache and short beard with curved hairs that attach the two.
What such hairs create is a boundary whose completion is by shaving all the hair from your cheeks. Ensure to leave the beard lighter on the edges. As come down, leave it short and thick on the chin.
7. Bushy Moustache with Long Goatee Variation
Another remarkable Van Dyke beard variation is the thick and bushy mustache with a long goatee. As one of the many Van Dyke beard variations available today, it’s best for men who prefer not to tend to their facial hairs often.
More so, the look requires little trimming since the sideburns, mustache, and goatee grow long. It’s a suitable option if you have facial hair that grows relatively fast and leaves all the different parts combined. Regular trimming is necessary even as the facial hair grows out to achieve a distinctive V shape.
8. Shaved Cheek Bones with Long Side Burns Variation

No matter your day to day style or occupation, this Van Dyke beard style suits all men seeking elegance. The variation is characterized by detailed shaving that cleans out the cheeks while leaving the sideburns intact. You also note that for this cut, the goatee and mustache are quite pronounced.
Nonetheless, when you opt for this Van Dyke beard variation, you can opt to leave the beard and mustache attached or not. All you need to remember are the spaces in between that characterize it.
9. Patchy Goatee Beard Variation
A favorite of top celebrities is the patchy goatee Van Dyke beard variation.
It’s a simple style that’s quite distinctive and requires shaving the cheeks while leaving little hair on the sideburns. Additionally, you trim the chin and mustache, leaving short inches.
10. Trimmed Beard and Moustache Variation
When working in a less formal environment, why not opt for this messy Van Dyke beard variation?
It entails leaving facial hairs to grow long, then trim them in different lengths. For example, leave some hairs on the cheeks shorter than sideburns. Also, do the same for the mustache and goatee hairs by using different trimmer sizes.
11. Thick Chin and Goatee Variation
Another less formal look leaves the sideburns, chin, and goatee thick and thinning out the cheeks.
Similar to the previous variation, it requires a different trimmer to achieve the look. The cheeks seem to lack hair, but a further look reveals stubs left while the other facial hairs remain thick.
12. Chin Tapper with Short Beard Variation

Popularly known as the New Born Van Dyke beard, it’s best when you have less dense facial hair but still want to achieve the T look.
You start by shaving off all the hair on your cheeks and sideburns. Also, for a final look that’s more attractive, you need to keep your hair short.
13. Perfect Moustache with a Coned Goatee Variation
As you seek to stand out from the crowd, why not opt for this formidable Van Dyke beard style. Not only is it unique, but it stands out from the rest with the perfect mustache. You can resemble a classic man with more of a modern twist to it.
Once you’ve let the mustache hair grow out, use some hair oil or wax to ensure you attain the right mustache styling. On top of that, use the same product to make the beard straight. The style is ideal for parties or events and can be worn by young and old.
14. Elegant and Disconnected Van Dyke Beard Variation
Unlike the perfect mustache variation that emphasizes pointy ends by using products, this design doesn’t. You essentially have the same amount of facial hair but don’t make pointy ends using products.
You get an elegant look that connects the sideburns and goatee. However, the look does tend to look but messy, which surprisingly gives it an elegant appeal.
Famous People with Van Dyke Beard

Many famous men enjoy rocking the numerous Van Dyke beard variations. They include David Beckham, Johnny Depp, Leonardo Dicaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Will Smith, George Clooney, Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Chris Hemsworth, Keanu Reeves, Nicholas Cage, Mel Gibson, Ryan Reynolds, Russell Crowe, John Travolta, among other.
The Van Dyke beard style is enjoyed by millions worldwide and is a preference of many celebrities. As you choose a style, note the thickness of your facial hairs to make the best choice and consider whether you should shave your beard.
Some variations require lots of facial hair, while others are best with short hair. Still, the Van Dyke beard style is one of the most elegant and diverse of any other style.