Tips To Choose Shavers for Ingrown Hairs
If you are prone to ingrown hairs then you know the pain that comes with them. Having such a sensitive area nicked by a razor just adds to your problems – it is no way to start a new day.
That means that when shopping for razors you need to know the best electric shavers for ingrown hairs. Along with comfort, it is important to take a close look at the overall value you get for your money.
The Overall Picture – Electric Shavers are Best to Prevent Ingrown Hairs
As mentioned, when looking for the electric razors for ingrown hairs you are looking for something that will be gentle on your skin. If you have issues with ingrown hairs you should generally stick with a foil type shaver. Rotating shavers can be more difficult to use and are sometimes prone to pulling hairs instead of shaving them, even if you are using them properly. This foil vs. rotary shaver recommendation, for those prone to ingrown hairs, becomes less critical if you are willing to pay for the top of the range rotary models. The reason being is that the top of the range rotary shavers come with different cutting modes to cater for those people with sensitive skin – and they come with cleaning stations which reduce the risk of infections.
But what about other shaving methods? Well, while an electric shaver does not give as close a shave as other methods do (such as manual shavers, safety razors or straight razors), this is actually a good thing when it comes to dealing with ingrown hairs. All electric razors have some sort of buffer between your skin and the blades. With proper lubrication, this will allow the shaver to glide over the sore spot instead of digging in. That means you can shave the rest of your face without shaving off any of your skin. The best shavers use technology to minimize this buffer and pull hair up into the shaver so you still get a pretty good shave out of the deal.
Shaving with an Electric Shaver to Prevent Ingrown Hairs
Using a foil electric shaver (yes ditch the disposable razor) the safest method around ingrown hairs is to stick with the grain and allow the shaver to nab the hair on its way past. Once that is done, you can go back to problem areas and go against the grain to clean up. If you do get a rotary shaver, then the correct technique is to move the shaver in small circles as you move around the area. Regardless of the type, all shavers need to be cared for in order to continue working properly. Higher end systems come with a cleaning station. Either way you should replace the blades once a year. If you don’t get the cleaning station, then you will have to clean and oil the razor regularly as well. This related article has some times on how to best clean and care for your electric shaver.
Switch to Using a Trimmer or Grow a Beard to Avoid Ingrown Hairs
If you have super sensitive skin, suffer from ingrown hairs and have tried even the top of the range electric shavers without success, what options are left? The Groom+Style team would suggest that you switch to trimming your beard instead. Even if you work in a very conservative industry which calls for a clean shaven look, the top of the range trimmers allow you to trim your stubble down to 1/64th of an inch – so your facial hair will barely be noticeable. Allowing your facial hair to grow, along with a regular cleansing ritual, should banish your ingrown hairs forever!
If the stubble look is not for you, and your lifestyle allows then become a hipster and embrace the beard lifestyle.
Which Shavers Should You Buy
There are a few good models on the market that you should look into. The hands down winners are the Braun 7 series and Braun 9 series – if you have a bit more money then opt for the cleaning and sanitizing attachment. These shavers are both foil shavers. There are several models to choose from within the Braun range with different features, so continue reading the reviews to find the best one to fit your exact requirements and budget.
If you are interested in a rotary shaver then please consider the Philips Norelco Series 9000 or Norelco SensoTouch 3D.
I tell my clients to use a rotary foil shaver. This type of shaver cuts the hair from under the foil, and therefore does not scrape the skin as traditional blades. This scraping action is the main cause of the skin over producing to protect itself from the irritation.
Tina Kolinas
Licensed Aesthetician
Las Vegas, NV