Razor bumps are ingrown hairs that form after shaving or using other types of hair removal techniques such as plucking or waxing.
These ingrown hairs develop when hair starts growing back into the skin rather than up and out of it.
When you remove hair by either shaving, plucking a waxing, the strands may curl and grow inwards. So as the new skin cells grow over the hair, they become trapped and form a bump.
They can develop in any area of the body where you shave, such as the head, face, legs, armpits, and groin area.
In the following article, we’ll take a look at the best ways to treat razor bumps quickly and prevent them from forming moving forward.
What Exactly Are Razor Bumps?
A good clean shave will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth; however, there may come a time when you start to notice red bumps.
These are known as the razor bumps and are more than just an annoyance. In fact, in some cases, it can cause common permanents damage if left untreated.
The first step in treating razor bumps is learning what causes them. When shaving any part of your body, you are removing the top layer of skin which creates, “micro-injuries”.
This often leads to hair curling and growing inward as the new skin begins to form over the micro-injury.
So ultimately, the new skin cells trap the hair causing the irritated bump to form, and ultimately, you’re left with burning, irritation, redness, and dryness, all associated with razor bumps.
Some things that can make it worse are shaving dry skin using a dull blade and not moisturizing immediately after you shave.
The sad truth is, unfortunately, lots of people are thought to shave against the grain of the hair, and that’s actually what causes razor burn and bumps in the first place.
What Type Of Shaving Causes Razor Bumps?

According to dermatologists, shaving the skin against the grain is what eventually leads to razor bumps.
Also, not adequately moisturizing or lathering the skin prior to shaving ultimately leads to micro-injuries, and new skin cells forming over these micro-injuries.
So, the new hair grows into the skin and becomes trapped by the new skin cells.
So it is recommended that although you may want to give yourself a close shave, not to get too close to the skin. This will prevent these micro-injuries and decrease the appearance of razor bumps.
How To Get Rid Of Razor Bumps Fast?
So now that you know what causes razor bumps, you’re probably wondering how to prevent it.
After all, you don’t want to be hiding away from the world simply because you have razor bumps. The truth is there is no magic solution to get rid of razor bumps overnight; however, there’s a lot that you can do to help the situation.
Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to reduce and prevent razor bumps from reoccurring:
- Go cold: Splash cold water and razor bumps as soon as you see them to shrink pores and soothe the skin.
- Moisturize: Once you’re done shaving, moisturize immediately afterward. This step is even more important when you see razor bumps appearing. These micro-injuries require plenty of hydration in order to heal.
- Over the contact cortisone cream: This cream reduces the irritation, and the good news is you don’t need a prescription for it. However, start with your moisturizer and then add the cortisone right on top of it.
- Aftershave: Aftershave is specifically developed to minimize the razor bumps. If you don’t have one, you should seriously consider investing in one.
- Aloe: If you’re looking for a more natural and soothing treatment, then aloe is the answer. So what you want to do is head to the sun-care aisle at the drug store to pick up a bottle of aloe, and aside from healing your razor burn and bumps, it has a whole lot of other uses.
Can You Conceal Razor Bumps?

Everyone has been there at some point – dreading the thought of going to work with razor bumps.
However, due to using dull razors and having rushed shaving habits, razor bumps are inevitable.
They may be difficult to avoid; however, you can take comfort in the fact that these blemishes can be hidden in just a few minutes by using ordinary cosmetic products.
Here’s how to go about concealing razor bumps:
Step One
Green is the natural color complement to red, and naturally, the two colors neutralize one another when combined.
If your skin tone is tan or dark, opt for a darker shade of green and a lighter shade of green if your skin is pale or fair.
Choosing a flesh-toned concealer matching the natural color of your skin is also recommended.
Step Two
Take a dime-sized amount of moisturizer and gently massage it into the affected area using your fingertips. Then allow it to dry for between 5 to 10 minutes before applying the concealer.
Step Three
Use a green stick or green powder concealer to lightly coat the areas affected and reduce the appearance of red inflammation.
Tap around the edges of the concealer with either your ring or pinky finger to blend it with your natural skin tone.
Step Four
Take the flesh-toned cream base concealer and squeeze two to three drops onto the back of your hand.
Using the fluffy makeup brush pick up some of the concealers and apply with soft circular motions to the razor bumps.
Blend around the edges of the concealer with the brush and ensure that it is all well blended with your natural skin tone.
Step Five

Using a makeup brush, continue to apply the flesh-toned concealer to the razor bumps until the affected areas are masked.
Use strong lighting to inspect your face ensuring that the edges are and that the concealer does not obviously contrast with the natural tone of your skin.
Step Six
Using a latex sponge or clean makeup brush dipped in translucent powder, make downward strokes to set the cream concealer.
Naturally, the translucent powder prevents the concealer from being moved by secretion of natural skin oils and sweat.
Step Seven
The final results should be inspected under strong lighting, and if need be, reapply concealers and powder as necessary.
Are Razor Bumps Permanent?
Razor bumps usually go away on their own.
However, they take a little longer for razor bumps to clear than it does for razor burn to go away.
Razor bumps occur as the hair grows in an inward direction, and since it takes a little longer to appear, they also take a little longer to go away.
However, the downside with razor bumps is that here is a risk of scarring. And that’s probably the only permanent damage that you can experience from razor bumps.
In most cases, these bumps will resolve on their own within 2 to 3 weeks of shaving.
Using an exfoliating product on your skin as well as over the counter anti-itch cream can also help some symptoms go away faster.
How Do I Get Rid Of Razor Bumps On My Beard?
Razor bumps tend to develop a few days after shaving the affected area. The good news is that there are things that you can do to minimize the chances of razor bumps.

Shave Less Often
This option, if possible, suggests that you shave every other day or less frequently as opposed to every single day.
This ultimately minimizes the risk of hair being too short and growing out of the skin and also decreases the risk of razor bumps.
Using An Electric Razor
When you shave too close to the skin, you cut the hair too short. Ultimately, this increases the chance that the hair will become ingrown and start to grow inward.
Using an electric razor on the lowest setting, keep the hair longer, and make it less likely to grow back into the skin.
Use A Retinoid Product
In order to see the results, you have to use the product for several weeks, so it is not a quick fix. But it may help prevent razor bumps and acne.
Retinoids are available as over the counter creams, cleansers, and serums. You can get stronger retinoid treatments with a prescription.
These prescriptions include tretinoin, tazarotene, and adapalene.
Adequate Preparation
Before you can start shaving, there are a few steps you should follow to lower the risk of razor bumps.
- Clean your skin with a product that contains salicylic or glycolic acid, which will help clear the pores and get rid of excess skin cells from the surface.
- Never shave on dry skin, and it is recommended that you only shave one with skin either during or immediately after a shower.
- Alternatively, you can place a warm, wet towel on the area for five minutes before shaving.
- When buying shaving creams or gels, ensure that it is suitable for your skin type. If your skin is acne-prone, you should opt for a shaving gel that is safe on the skin. If you got dry skin, on the other hand, choose a product that contains moisturizer.
- Skincare products that contain irritating ingredients should be avoided as it could make the inflammation worse
- Only use a fresh and sharp razor.
- In order to make sure your razor is 100% free of bacteria, clean it with alcohol before and after each use.
How Do I Get Rid Of Razor Bumps On My Pubic Area?

Razor bumps can present itself in any part of the body provided you shave that specific area.
However, it is a good idea to avoid shaving until the affected area has healed completely.
However, in the event, a person experiences pain and itching from razor bumps in the pubic area, use a hydrocortisone cream to bring relief.
You should only use hydrocortisone for a short time, and it should not be placed inside the pubic area.
Hydrocortisone cream is an anti-inflammatory which reduces itching. These creams are available over the counter, and you may purchase them online.
The following homemade remedies also bring relief to skin irritation in the pubic area from razor bumps.
- Use a cold compress: Applying a cold compress to the affected area helps reduce skin swelling and brings some soothing relief.
- Soak in a warm bath: Taking a warm bath opens up the pores and also reduces swelling and skin irritation.
- Bath in oatmeal: This is considered a traditional remedy for soothing the skin and also relieving itchiness. The beta-glucan and starch in oatmeal offers protective and moisturizing properties. Oatmeal also contains phenols that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects on the skin.
- Wear loose clothes: Wearing loose and breathable clothing is recommended as it doesn’t rub against the skin and helps to relieve you from discomfort and irritation.
- Apply aloe vera gel: This treatment has been used as a topical skin treatment for literally hundreds of different types of skin conditions throughout the years. It’s wound healing effects are unproven; however, it does help to reduce the irritation caused by razor bumps.
- Massage coconut oil into the skin: Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer containing antiseptic properties. Since it is solid in cooler climates and melts into the skin as you apply it in, it ultimately offers a soothing feeling.
5 Natural Remedies For Razor Bumps
The following natural remedies will help bring relief to red, inflamed, and irritated skin caused by razor bumps.
Natural Oils
Natural oils such as almond, avocado, and coconut oil reduce the burning sensation left behind by razor burn.
Ultimately, it hydrates the skin and is also an anti-inflammatory that heals inflamed skin. Apply any natural oil in the affected area twice a day to heal these bumps.
Baking Soda
Baking soda heals razor burn and brings relief to irritated skin since it contains cooling properties.
Adding baking soda to your bath water or even mixing it into a paste will provide some relief to sore skin. You can use a cotton pad to dip into the baking soda paste and pat it onto the affected areas.

Oatmeal is known to relax and calm irritated skin, aside from being extremely moisturizing. Create a paste with honey and ground oatmeal and apply it to the razor bumps and burns. Rinse the skin and moisturize afterward.
Cold Compress
A cold compress brings instant cooling. Take some ice cubes in a cloth and dab it onto the affected area. Keep the cloth on the area for a couple of minutes until the burning sensation subsides.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is known to have healing and cooling properties that soothe irritated skin. Not only does it cool the skin down, but it also heals the burns and bumps.
Take some aloe vera and apply it into the affected areas until it is absorbed by the skin.
In most cases, razor bumps clear within a few days.
So it’s recommended that you take a few days off from shaving to give yourself time to heal.
However, by incorporating a good skincare regime, using shaving creams that are suitable for your skin type and the right types of razors, you can help avoid razor bumps and burn altogether.