Should You Trim Your Eyebrows As a Man?

Should You Trim Your Eyebrows As a Man?

Lots of men are not sure about whether they should trim their eyebrows, so they just pluck stray hairs here and there, and basically, don’t do much else. So should you be trimming your eyebrows as a man? Well, if they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the eyebrows must … Read more

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly of Buying Luxury Mechanical Watches

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Few people need a watch to tell the time anymore. At home, at work there are digital watches on appliances, on electronic equipment and in the corners of our computer screens. When we’re out in the “real world,” a quick glance at our smartphones tells us not only the time, but also the temperature, what’s happening … Read more

Keto Basics: What You Should Know About the Keto Diet

Keto Basics - food

For the past year, the keto diet has been in the news, blogs, the tabloids, in scientific research papers, and probably discussed around the tables of your favorite coffee shop. Maybe you’ve looked into it offhand and dismissed it as a butter-centric fad diet. For many people, though, ketogenic diets are here to stay. The keto … Read more

Breathing Techniques: A Guide to the Science and Methods

breathing techniques FI

Breathing Techniques: A Guide to the Science and Methods Breathing is part of our body’s master blueprint for regulating the body’s rhythms. Yet how often do we take breathing for granted? Short ragged breath rhythms will both reflect our emotional state and cause us to grow frantic, stressed, and unfocused. Slow, even breathing, on the … Read more

How Your Skin Tone Can Complement Your Clothes

How Your Skin Tone Can Complement Your Clothes

How Your Skin Tone Can Complement Your Clothes You probably already know that the shape of your face and hairstyle work together to either make or break your overall appearance. But what most people don’t know is that your skin tone actually plays a crucial role in complementing your clothes and vice versa. So if … Read more