Whether you are male or female, shaving is probably part of your daily ritual – at least for certain areas. But what about that “more discreet” hair growth? Let’s take a look at how to shave your pubic hair properly, for both women and men.
Alternative hair removal resources for you to consider:
- How To Do Your Own Brazilian Wax At Home
- Home Laser Hair Removal Devices Reviewed
- Top 4 Best Home Electrolysis Machine Reviews
Pubic Hair – Love it or Hate it!
Humans are self-conscious, and some topics can make us a bit more squeamish than others. Pubic hair is one of them. Left to its own devices, pubic hair often grows in size and directions which can be appalling. For women, a naturally growing strip running from the pelvis area up to the belly button isn’t exactly going to look enticing during bikini season. For men, a wild “hedge” can be unattractive to lovers, while also occasionally getting caught up in a pants zipper.
There was a time when societal standards for pubic hair were simple: let it do what comes naturally. However, the modern trend is to tidy things up a bit. Let’s look at the best way to shave your pubes without getting razor bumps, beginning with the fairer sex.
Pubic Area Shaving For Women
A 2013 study of over 3,000 American women revealed that 83% chose to groom their pubic hair. Factors including opinions on hygiene and sexual preferences influenced decisions to trim, or remove pubic hair altogether. And while some older women still groom regularly, the practice was found to be most common among women under 45.
If you decide that you want to proceed, then let’s walk you through how to shave your pubic area (vulva which includes the mons pubis) in the safest and most effective way possible, without getting bumps.
Choose a Style That Is Right for You
For any woman (or man) considering shaving her pubic area, the first step is to stop and think about the desired final result. There are three general classifications:
- Hollywood: All hair removed – smooth as a baby’s butt.
- Stencil: The remaining hair forms a design of some sort.
- Strip: A strip of hair runs from the top of the vulva to the bikini line.
Of these styles, the Hollywood is the easiest to achieve, followed by the strip and then the stencil. With the stencil approach, it is best to simply cut out a cardboard outline of the design you have in mind and then trim and shave around it. In any case, you can only get to where you’re going – if you know where you want to go.
Never start a shave without knowing your final destination.
Trim First to Pave the Way for the Blade
Once you’ve selected a style, it is time to get to work. The first tool you will need is not a razor – it’s a set of scissors. A razor is only effective at removing hairs less than a quarter of an inch long. Pubic hair is typically going to be much longer than that, so trimming your pubes first will speed things up considerably, and efficiency is important because the skin around the vaginal area is tender.
Repeatedly dragging a cutting blade across this skin will aggravate it, so it’s important to take time to trim the hair as much as possible. Trim and then trim some more. You could also utilise a bikini trimmer for a more consistent effect.
Shower/Bath To Soften Pubic Hair
Now that the pubic hair is cut down to size, it is time to hop in a hot bath or take a hot shower for 15 minutes. Pubic hair is surprisingly coarse. Heating it up with steam or hot water and humidity will soften the hair, making it easier to remove. Your skin will thank you.
Exfoliate – Maybe Not the First Few Times Your Decide to Shave
Should you exfoliate at this point? In theory, the act of exfoliating will remove any dead skin cells in the pubic area and allow for a closer shave. While this notion is true, it is important to remember that we are talking about very tender skin and exfoliating is going to expose even more tender skin cells.
For this reason, you probably want to avoid exfoliating, for at least the first few shaving sessions, until your skin gets used to the process. When you are ready to start exfoliating you would want to use something that is natural and gentle like the Konjac Sponge.
Getting Down to Business – The Shave
You are finally ready to actually shave. Once the skin around the vagina is clean and the hair is trimmed to less than a quarter of an inch, the next step is to apply shaving cream to the area. There are many different types of shaving cream, but only one will suffice when it comes to your pubic area.
You need a gel with lubricant. This is critical because if you’re reading this article, this is probably the first time a razor has touched the skin around your genitals.
A lubricating gel is going to allow the razor blades to effectively remove hair while minimizing irritation to “virgin” hair and skin. If you are going to spend a few extra dollars at any point of this process, spend it on a quality lubricating gel designed specifically for the task. A product similar to the one linked below would be a worthwhile investment.
Now it’s time for the second key tool: the razor. New blades are the order of the day. They will be sharp so you’ll need to make fewer runs across the target area. And using fewer strokes means there will be less trauma to the skin, and less chance of your vag getting bumps.
Note: Another valid approach is to use an electric razor (sometimes called a vagina shaver or bikini shaver) to shave your pubes – they do not shave as close as a blade, but there will be less chance of getting razor bumps. Please follow this link for details of the best razor for women’s pubic area.
Let’s get to it:
- Apply warm water to the area.
- Firmly apply the lubricating gel until the target area is completely covered.
- Run the razor under warm, but not hot, water.
- Pull the razor over the target area in long, slow strokes.
- Rinse the razor off after every stroke to remove hair, skin cell and gel buildup from the blades.
Importantly, do not push down on your skin with the blade.
You are not shoveling or digging. The blade surface should simply be placed flat against the skin. As you pull the razor horizontally across the surface, the angled cutting blades will pick up and remove the hair. Let the blade do all the work. What about more difficult-to-reach areas such as way between your legs? The best approach to removing hair from this part of the pubic region is to use the “one leg up” approach. Position a stool or some other relatively tall object next to the sink, so you can rest one leg on it. When you do, your thigh will be horizontal to the floor.
Now bend your leg out to the side of your body as far as needed, and lean over to gain access to the area. Some women place a mirror on top of the stool to provide a better view. Is it a dignified position? Not at all, but it is effective.
Once you are positioned, the same rules we’ve already discussed apply to shaving this area. Make sure the lubricating gel fully covers the hair you’re going to shave. Then just run the blade along the surface. You do not need to push the blade into the skin. Just keep it flat on the surface of the skin and the cutting angles of the individual blades will take care of everything.
After shaving your pubes, clean the area and grab a hand-held mirror because it is time for another inspection. Unless you are very lucky, you will have missed a few hairs here and there. Instead of going through the whole shaving process again, grab your tweezers (the third tool) and remove those individual hairs.
Apply a High-Quality Moisturizer
What do you do when finished with any skin treatment? Right – you moisturize. This is still the rule when shaving the pubic region. Apply a quality moisturizer to the area, to help the skin recover from the shock of shaving. An example of a high-quality moisturizer that can be used on the more intimate areas can be found on Amazon.
How Frequently Can I Shave?
A big problem with hair is that it grows back. That may lead you to try shaving every day. Don’t. Your skin will become irritated and the process intended to make you more beautiful will leave you with distinctly unattractive red skin. At most, you should only shave pubic hair every five days. A full seven-day waiting period is best.
If you are looking for alternatives to “the big shave” then continue reading below.
Hair Growth Inhibitor
Another product you might want to investigate is a hair growth inhibitor. Apparently, they work by reducing the concentration of nutrients inside the hair follicle.
Note – Men and Woman can use this Product!
Pubic Area Shaving For Men

Why would men want to shave their pubic hair? There are several reasons.
For some men, pubic hair growth can be so prolific that National Geographic might call to ask about a photo shoot.
For others, a trim is necessary to appease a lover or as a requirement for activities like modeling, cycling or swimming. Whatever the reason, shaving pubic hair is not particularly difficult for most men.
“Manscaping” is the act of keeping one’s genital area nicely trimmed. Of course, you need to first decide what “trimmed” actually means to you. For some men, the process simply involves shaving the pubic region in areas where hair might make an unwanted appearance. Hairs poking out above the belt line or peeking from the sides of a bathing suit are not what most guys have in mind when they take off their shirt or go swimming.
Other men want to go all the way, removing all hair including the ones which grow on the scrotum. Either way, the process is not all that different than the one you use to shave your face.
Quick Tip – Taut Skin Is the Order of the Day
The key to a quality shave in the pubic area is taut skin. If you are like most men, your skin in this area is loose. That’s a good thing when you are sweating a lot during a workout or playing sports, but it creates a poor shaving surface. To effectively remove hair, you need a surface that’s as taut as a drum skin. In this regard, the penis is your friend. By lightly pulling it away from the area to be shaved, you should be able to create a firm shaving surface for hair removal.
Above the Penis
Shaving the area above the penis is simple. First, use scissors, an electric shaver, body groomer like Manscaped Lawn 4.0 or trimmer to reduce the hair down to less than a quarter of an inch in length. Then jump in the shower to clean the area and warm up the skin. Stay in the shower and apply a lubricating gel to the skin (make sure it is designed for sensitive skin like the GiGi shave gel), to prepare it for the shave.
Using a razor with new blades, remove the hair by making downward strokes in the direction of the hair growth, until you feel that you’re “done.” Do not apply aftershave following the procedure because the skin is too sensitive for that. Instead, use a simple moisturizer (once again use one designed for intimate areas like the Bare Intimate Shave Lotion above).
Around and Below
Access is the key to shaving around and below the penis area. To gain access, try placing one leg up on the bathroom sink. If you are not flexible enough to do that, use a chair. Once you have one leg up, you should be able to bend over and gain access to the target areas by bending your leg out from your body.
You will have to get creative by pulling the skin this way and that, in order to create a surface the blade can work on, but stick with it and you’ll get the hang of it.
The Scrotum – for the Adventurous and the Brave
Prefer a smooth scrotum? It should go without saying that introducing a sharp blade to the surface of your scrotum is something that should be undertaken with great care. The process for shaving your scrotum is much different than the rest of your pubic area. The first step is to trim the hairs growing on the testicles with scissors. Do not use an electric device; these hairs are so thin that they can get caught in the device and yanked out of the scrotum. To call that experience “painful” would be a major understatement.
Once the area is trimmed, stack a few pillows on a bed and lie on them, using the pillows to support your head and upper back. Bend your legs out to the side like a woman giving birth. Pull the penis up towards your stomach to tighten the skin. Then slowly and carefully run the razor across any random hairs. Do not push down on the razor – just let the blades do the work. Go slowly…and carefully. A “nick” on the scrotum is unpleasant, to say the least. Once done, consider using a moisturizer to firm things up.
Why no mention of shaving gel for this area? The hairs on the scrotum tend to be placed far apart. Shaving gel makes it difficult to see the hairs and you don’t want to shave an area of the scrotum where there it’s not necessary. It is far simpler to just go after the hairs one by one, and then use moisturizer afterward to treat the skin.
Gents, if you are looking for other ways to impress, read Groom+Style’s fun article 25 Grooming Tips For Men by Women.
Slightly Painful Alternative To Shaving Pubic Hair – Waxing
Is there an alternative to shaving your pubic region? Yes, but you might think twice before giving it a try. The most popular and effective technique is to undergo a wax removal. The process starts with a person spreading hot wax on your pubic hair. A strip of sturdy paper is patted down on top of the wax causing it to adhere to the wax. The wax is then allowed to cool until it hardens completely.
Now comes the fun part.
The technician grabs one end of the paper and then rips it into the air from one end to the other. Up comes the paper and the wax attached to it. As the wax is pulled away from your skin, it yanks out the pubic hair as well. The bad news? This process has to be repeated multiple times – during each session – to remove all the desired hair. There are two primary problems associated with waxing.
First, you are fully exposed to the person doing the waxing. If you are a modest person, this is definitely not for you.
The second problem is, as you might guess, the pain. It is not uncommon for people to cry during waxing. Not only is pubic hair being yanked out of the skin, but waxing causes major trauma to the very sensitive skin in the pubic area. Combine these two factors and it is easy to see how anyone could end up whimpering.
For most people, shaving their own pubic area is a better solution. Not only is there no pain, but it can be done in private. However, if you are keen to try waxing, which can produce an arguably smoother look, Groom+Style has written a detailed article How To Do Your Own Brazilian Wax At Home.
Less Painful Alternatives to Shaving Pubic Hair
There are three additional options you might want to consider if you decide shaving and waxing/epilation are not for you: electrolysis, laser hair removal and depilatory creams.
Electrolysis is FDA approved for permanent hair removal, however, it can be expensive depending on the size of the area you want treated. You will need to ask the electrolysis practitioner if they are happy to perform treatment in this zone. You should also ask yourself if you are happy for them to have access! Electrolysis can be quite time-consuming, as an electric current is applied to each hair follicle. There are also Home Electrolysis Machines to Read About
Laser hair removal is becoming quite popular as it offers a more permanent solution to hair removal and can potentially be carried out at home. If you are particularly hairy, and money is not a problem, then this alternative might be right up your alley. Similar to electrolysis, laser hair removal requires repeated sessions for it to be effective and long-lasting. You can choose to go to a clinic or buy a home laser hair removal device. Read More about Home Laser Hair Removal Devices
Depilatory creams are an easy, inexpensive and pain-free way to remove hair. Unfortunately, the results are short-lived. If you can handle the short-term results, ensure you buy a cream that is specifically designed for your private parts. The creams come in the stereotypical blue package for men and pink for the ladies. |
Ingrown Hairs – Something to Watch out For
Anytime you shave with a razor there is the chance of getting ingrown hairs. They are annoying and frustrating, so Groom+Style has written another article which is recommended reading, to further understand how to remove and prevent ingrown hairs.
In Closing
It’s not hard to learn how to shave your pubic area, and the task is relatively easy once you get the hang of it. Follow the guidelines in this article and you should be able to do it without thinking, after a few weeks of practice.
Great tips for anyone wanting to shave down there! Been doing it for about 10 yrs and maintain daily. Wouldn’t have it any other way!☀️
You left out by far the very best pubic hair removal method…sugaring!
The vagina is an internal canal with an external opening and has no need for hair removal. I believe you are attempting to speak about the vulva and mons pubis. Using the vagina as a substitute for this is like saying mouth or throat when you mean face or head. If you find it necessary to differentiate between the scrotum and penis for this article, you should be able to do the same for female anatomy.
Thanks for the correction, updating where we can…
Kind Regards,
I shave my pubes all the time and never get bumps,I use shower gel lather up really good then take my pubic hair runs like my beard,in different directions so I go one way then another
I shave my genitals in the shower on a daily basis and at least for me it stays very smooth with very few red bumps.It is correct that your scrotum needs to be pulled tight and a good multi blade razor works the best.I prefer the venus ladies razor while maintaining my shooth look.
Hey SmoothDave,
Thanks for letting us in on your daily grooming ritual. Yes, you will need to ensure the skin is as tight as possible to get the closest shave and to avoid cuts. A good multi-blade razor will give you the closest cut but a high-quality electric razor/body groomer will give you almost the same experience minus the chance of cutting yourself.
Kind Regards,
Great article and agree once it has been done on several occasions it does become easier and smoother
When I first started to shave down there I was scared. I tried things like beard trimmers and always cut myself and that hurts. Then I decided to try a razor. I lather up with plain bar of soap in the shower or tub and start shaving. I was fearful of cutting myself but it never happened. After doing this method several times the fear was gone as I never got cut. I believe it has a lot to do with the kind of razor I use. I probably can’t say the name here but it is a regular hand held razor with 5 blades. Well not really sure if they are blades because they just look like 5 metal strips. The razor is blue and gray and has something in the name that makes you think of water. They are found in almost every store and the blue blade part is replaceable. They work so well that I don’t even need to look at what I’m doing or be very careful. I never have a problem with bumps or irritation. Super easy. I just needed the right “tool” for the job and I found it.
I will be trying a portable electric razor soon (the portable are much smaller than the regular), and I plan on using it for down there. My question is, how do I shave with a smaller one like that? I’ve never shaved down there before, so do I trim it first, or go over the natural growth? I don’t want to break the razor, or hurt my skin. Thank you!
Hi Mary,
In effect the general steps will be the same as the manual razor shaving steps described in this article (preparation, execution and after skin care). You should certainly trim as much back as you can before shaving with the electric shaver (hopefully your electric shaver have a trimmer attachment?). As long as you have a reasonably effective portable electric razor you should be fine – in fact the smaller shaving head can be an advantage when trying to shave harder to reach areas. Electric razor shaving certainly has its advantages (much less chance on an ingrown hair, less chance of cutting yourself and skin irritation), but the key disadvantage will be that the shave will not be as short (the effect will not be as pronouced) so you will see hair regrowth a lot faster.
The following articles might help as well.
Kind Regards,
Since mine is really long can I just do all the pre stuff then just trim it a little bit? Then a different time trim it a different time then shave? Know what I mean? Also would an erection help make it easier?
Hi Brett,
Yeah, there is nothing to say you have to commit to the shave every time (or ever). Feel free to trim, for some people (from what I hear 🙂 ) this is more than enough – then if you feel like following through with a shave at some point, there is nothing stopping you.
When shaving the pubic area it is certainly easier to have the skin as tight as possible. Due to this fact men who go for the full shave typically find that the testicles are the trickiest part to shave. Depending upon your physiology you might find that the skin around your testicles becomes firmer with an erection (you will have to experiment), if this happens for you then it certainly might help your shave. If you are shaving the base of the shaft then a semi or full erection can certainly help. A certain amount of experimentation will be required – stay safe and good luck.
Kind Regards,
What does shaving cream do to a man and how do you apply it?
Hi Irvin,
Shaving cream or gel can effectively be applied anywhere there is hair to aid in the shaving process. Shaving creams and gels help facilitate the shaving process by
1) lubricating the skin – makes it easier for the blade to slide over the skin surface allowing the blade to cut the hair without dragging/irritating/cutting the skin
2) Moistens and softens the hair making the hair easier to cut
3) Softens and soothes the skin – which in turn allows the skin to recover faster after the shave
Note – some men also use a pre-shave oil which can further moisten the hair and skin and reduce irritation.
You can read more about the best way to apply shaving cream in the article linked below – under the section “Apply Shaving Cream”.
When shaving pubic hair it is important to follow the steps outlined to ensure the hair and skin is fully prepared for the shave – and ideally to use a shaving product that is specifically designed for this very sensitive area i.e. one for sensitive skin without additives etc.
Kind Regards,
Agree with Kitty. Scrolled down to the women’s section and was grossly put off by the whole “men prefer shaved” bit. I’ve been totally bald, landing strip, some stubble because I couldn’t shave and I have NEVER had a complaint and it certainly didn’t put off my partner from sex! I’m not against doing things to please your partner (that you WANT to do) but we don’t have to be told that and certainly not in a way that seems as if it’s the only reason we should do it. Just totally irrelevant and honestly insulting in an article on simply how to get a close shave. And I hope it goes without saying that if your partner demands you alter yourself or makes you feel bad about your body they are NOT worth your time!
Hi Erin and Kitty,
Point taken (although this was just supposed to be a fun little factoid) – editing the article, thanks for the constructive feedback.
Kind Regards,
Greetings! Very useful advice in this particular post!
It’s the little changes that produce the most significant changes.
Thanks a lot for sharing!
Great article and agree once it has been done on several occasions it does become easier and smoother
I have to say, good article. I actually have an issue with one of the factoids you used, claiming that many males prefer shaved vaginas rather than unshaven or natural. I think this is unnecessary because regardless of what men prefer, I think every woman has her OWN choice based on HER preferences, not someone else’s. It’s the most intimate part of the body, and to add a fact in like that almost makes me feel as if I’m being told it’s the right thing to do, to aesthetically please a man.
I use warm water and soap when shaving down there but it doesn’t get very smooth and I’ve been thinking of trying the cream. Does it burn or have any side effects if it should accidentally get in?
What type of razor do you think would be a safe option for shaving the male region
Please check our Electric shaver review section. We only pitch the best ones in the market for Top 5 i.e. as other reviews sites do, it isn’t a list of four mediocre products against one good. In other words, only the best make 5 it to the list-even to be compared!
Would it be a bad decision to shave with a non-electric razor?
This is a really personal decision, and there are pros/cons to using an electric vs a manual shaver.
Electric is generally “safer” but manual will give you a much closer/smoother feel typically.
We review these points in detail in this article, if you wanted to read more (although the focus is more about shaving your face, the same principles apply):
With electric you will be less prone to ingrown hairs than with a manual, but as our article explains if you shave with a manual razor carefully, and do the necessary preparation work you can minimise the chances of getting ingrown hairs with a manual razor.
This article goes into this in more detail.
If you are new to the process, and have an electric shaver/body groomer handy maybe start with that and see how you like the shaved feel, and you can then make an informed decision from there.
If you don’t have an electric shaver and are keen to shave just follow the steps in the article carefully, make sure you have a new blade (or set of blades), start slowly and carefully, and see how you go – don’t feel you have to shave everything at once (or don’t even feel like you have to shave, it is not for everyone!).
Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any follow up questions.
Kind Regards,
I can never get mine to be smooth. I always end up with bumps. Not red bumps, but it feels like it has tiny bumps on it.
What happens if you touch the lips down there? I’m scared of shaving down there because i don’t want to hurt the area
Its all about the prep if you decide to shave down south. Lot of warm water prep along with good cream and a moisturizer to finish would sort you out!
I find it mandatory to complete all pre and after shaving procedures in order to have a good skin. Thank you for the share and good read.
Everytime I shave my pubic hair is gets prickly and is very noticeable. I never took a shower before I did. If I took a shower before I shaved next time would it make it super smooth? Would my hairs not be prickly? Can I just use a razor and shaving cream as well?
Austin- Prep work is an absolute must if you want to shave it to get super smooth experience
Razor bumps/ingrown hairs 🙁 how to keep it smooth longer, it grow so fast, and shaving daily not good idea, I see porn stars with no hair at all is that lazor only can give that results? P.s is using soap vs shaving cream bad idea?
Shelly- Using shaving soap is a good idea but takes a lot of prep work. I prefer cream!
Glamour models and actresses have only made the shaving more exciting but have also set high precedence. If money is no criteria, you can get that absolute bald look with lasers but for mere mortals shaving with prep work can give you laser like look, without a doubt! Remember your skin also needs to get used to shaving, so start gently and over a period of time, you will see results with no shadow effect at all
How can I stop getting irritated, or getting pimples after the shave ? I want a very smooth skin (bald-like). Is it possible to achieve ?? For example, what do models use ?
Leonard- The key is to keep your skin prep’ed well before the shave. Hot towels, moisturizers, low hair length before the shave are few things to consider. Dry shave and shaving in all 4 directions almost always will cause irritation; Two strokes with and against the grain should give you smooth look, although you might have to do it frequently.
For a perfect model look, waxing or lasers are the long term and reliable choices.
What kind of moisturizer or lubrication I guess should a guy use before and after shaving the pubic region
Jacob- Its personal preference really but we suggest using water based moisturizers
Thank I just think you should have more pictures showing how but other than that…
Cholinna- Sorry to disappoint but we need to adhere to editorial guidelines so need to be sensitive on being explicit.
What kinda a moisturize should a woman use after u shave
I’ve always used non-scented water based moisturizer Steph. Works like a treat and gives you that fresh feel as well
How old should u start shaving your public area for a girl
Jadin- It comes down to personal choice and your self awareness really.
Dear Groomnstyle,
Would you check out our product for pubic hair removal? I think you will find that our razor, the haireRazor is the fastest and most economical way to be clean and smooth everyday.
Tina Kolinas
Erica- Point noted. Unfortunately, We need to adhere to editorial guidelines and also keep our sponsors happy when the topics are a bit borderline sensitive.
Tina- Thanks for the offer. We will get in touch with you.
Do you have time to do all of this just to get a smooth shave? Everyday????
I know where you are coming from. As with anything, its a personal choice really. I do shave everyday but once you get used to the routine your skin becomes all the more responsive to it and much little the hassle it becomes. Who doesn’t crave for a smooth and shiny skin 🙂