Photoshopped Fashion: How 27 Countries Define Style Today

Header Image Photoshopped Fashion

Photoshopped Fashion: How 27 Countries Define Style Today “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only,” as the late, great French fashion designer Coco Chanel once put it. “Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Every country defines style in … Read more

Does Braun have the Best Epilators For Women?

best epilator for women

Does Braun have the Best Epilators For Women? For decades, women have gone above and beyond to remove hair from legs, underarms, face, and the bikini area. Women have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on waxing, razors, shaving cream, sugaring, and tweezers, in hopes of removing pesky hair permanently. In the era of modern … Read more

25 Grooming Tips For Men By Women

grooming tips for men from women

25 Grooming Tips For Men By Women Gentlemen, are you interested in doing all that you can to attract a partner?  Do you sometimes think that your friends have more luck with the opposite sex than you do?  There are certain things that you might have no immediate control over like your salary or looks. … Read more

A Case For Retro Shaving

Retro Shaving

A Case For Retro Shaving If you’re like most men and began to shave on a regular basis in your early teens, by now the whole shaving thing is beginning to become a little routine. In fact, it’s probably getting to be a chore, particularly when you consider the number of products and amount of … Read more

Beard Trimming 101 – How to Trim a Beard Effectively

Man Trimming Beard

So, you have invested the time to cultivate and grow a nice manly beard which is no small feat.  Now it’s getting slightly out of hand and you need to trim your beard, which should be a simple task, right? That is: just find a trimmer, pick the length, and then you trim off the overgrowth. … Read more