Comparing Braun Series 9 Shavers – The Review
Engineering Breakthroughs Creating The Ultimate, Luxurious Shave!
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Every razor manufacturer brags about their incredible engineering breakthroughs and the unparalleled shaving comfort their products provide. Despite their “major improvements” and “innovative shaving technology,” most of these ground-breaking products basically deliver the same shave their earlier models produced.

Except for Braun. Its Series 9 shavers really are different – and better than ever. We’ll be providing a full Braun Series 9 comparison of models in this article, but first, a few words about this line of shavers.
Braun – Marketing Claims That Actually Deliver
Like other companies releasing new products, Braun uses more than enough techno-speak and superlatives to satisfy any marketing department: “Intelligent SyncroSonic Technology,” “HyperLift Technology,” “40,000 cross-cutting actions per minute,” “world’s best shaver in efficiency and skin comfort.” The difference is that Braun has such a long and storied history of producing high-quality electric razors that their claims don’t ring hollow.

The company has added an extra cutting element to its Series 9 models (making a total of four shearing elements), and the 40,000 cuts per minute we just mentioned really do make a difference – the previous Series 7 shavers only provided 10,000 cuts per minute.

Braun says those two changes have improved the overall shaving experience by 40%, by making the razors more powerful and faster; Groom+Style can’t vouch for the percentage, but there’s no question about the vast improvement. The heads on Series 9 models also provide better flexibility, easily adjusting to your preferred shaving angles. Finally, we think these shavers look better, too.
OK – it’s time for our in-depth comparison of Braun Series 9 shavers.
Braun Series 9 – Models 9295cc, 9290cc, 9293s

The Braun Series 9 is a lot of shaver. There’s no need to spend a lot of time discussing the mechanical quality of any Braun razor, and this one certainly exhibits all of the German-made quality you would expect from the company.
The latest (main) Braun Series 9 shaver models are the 9295cc, 9290cc and the 9293s. The latest models start with 92xx and the slightly older models start with 90xx.
Differences between the Braun Series 92xx Shavers and the Braun Series 90xx Shavers
There are no performance difference between the 92xx range and the 90xx shavers. The key difference is that Braun Series 92xx models come with the new and improved Shaver Head Replacement Cassette (Braun 92s replacement head), which has been made with a more durable titanium coated HyperLift&Cut trimmer.
This new Shaver Head (92s) should be the one you buy even if you have an older Braun Series 9 shaver.
Braun Series 9 Cleaning and Charging System

The Braun Series 9 Shavers come with the new five-action cleaning and charging system. Braun has made major improvements over the cleaner/charger that came with its Series 7 razors.
Specifically, the models that end in ‘cc’ come with the cleaning and charging system, the models that end with ‘s’, do not come with the cleaning and charging station.
Braun claims this is the world’s only alcohol-based, five-action cleaning station; it cleans the shaving head hygienically and completely (leaving no hair or bacteria behind), sterilizes the head and then dries it with a built-in fan, lubricates the inner workings, and charges the shaver so it’s ready for its next use.
All you have to do is put the razor into the proper slot and press a button; the right cleaning program (determined by when the razor was last cleaned) will be selected and activated automatically. The shaver really does perform like it’s new out of the box after each full cleaning.
Note – the Braun Series 7 cleaning station has a “fast cleaning” mode to have the razor ready for use in just 30 seconds – but the Braun Series 9 cleaning station does not have this option. We talk more about the differences between the Braun Series 9 and Braun Series 7 in the two articles below. |
Good Looks and Ergonomic Design
The Braun Series 9 shavers are the most attractive razor Braun has manufactured in its long history.

It is silver (with a chrome option as well) and dark grey (and the cleaning/charging unit is a matching black and grey) with a modern blue LCD display (including a battery life display which wasn’t provided in Series 7 models). It is also terrific in terms of its ergonomic design, somewhat reminiscent of Series 5 shavers with a comfortable curved and tapered handle which won’t slip out of your hand.
The Braun 9295cc model has the Chrome finish and the Braun 9290cc comes in Silver.
Amazing Shave, Second to None!
You’ve probably noticed by now that the review hasn’t addressed the actual shave you’ll get from the Braun Series 9 Shavers. That’s because there’s little to distinguish this shave from those you’ll experience with any of the other razors in the Series 9 line – they’re all terrific.

We’ve already discussed many of the reasons, including the extra cutting element and the tremendous increase in the number of cuts per minute made possible by the SyncroSonic technology pioneered in this line. Combine those improvements with the traditionally stellar performance made possible by Braun’s HyperLift (to lift hairs from your face before cutting) and OptiFoil (to shield your skin from direct blade contact) features seen in previous models, and you have a close shave without nicks that you probably never thought was possible with an electric razor.

Even if you have coarse facial hair or a thick beard, you’ll be very impressed. Specifications of the Braun Series 9 9095cc Wet & Dry Shaving and Cleaning System:
Check Braun Series 9-9295 cc Price On Amazon – chrome finish Check Braun Series 9-9290 cc Price On Amazon – silver finish Check Braun Series 9-9293 cc Price On Amazon – no cleaning station |
Braun Series 9 9095cc Wet & Dry Shaving & Cleaning System

The standout difference between the 9095 and most of the older entries in Series 9 (see below) is the fact that this is a wet and dry system, meaning you can use it like a traditional electric razor, you can moisten your face before shaving.
It is also completely waterproof, so you can safely take the shaver into the shower or tub with you instead of being stuck in front of your bathroom or bedroom mirror. At the same time, the 9095cc does not support corded shaving.
If you want exactly the same shaver as the 9095cc, without the cleaning station, to save some money or so you can shave in the shower with gels and foam, then check out the Braun 9093s.
It is important to understand that for the Braun 9095cc wet shaving, does not include shaving with gels and foam for models which use the cleaning and charging station. If you want to use gel or foam, as you have sensitive skin, then look for the latest 92xx models (above) or in the 90xx range those models with the suffix of “s”, like 9093s or 9040s, which do not come with the cleaning station. In effect, the gel or foam seems to affect the cleaning station on the 90xx range, and if you are not careful using of gels and foam could void the warranty. Although Groom+Style cannot recommend it, as it might be voiding your guarantee, the team have heard that some customers use the 9095cc with gel and foam (as the shaving technically can support this) then wash the shaver before putting it in the cleaning station. Check Braun Series 9-9095 cc Price On Amazon – earlier model |
Braun Series 9 9090cc Dry Shaver & Cleaning System

Our summaries of the other three shavers in the Braun Series 9 line will be much shorter than the above review of the 9295cc and 9095cc. If you’ve been reading closely, you’ll understand why: all of the models in the product line are pretty close to identical, both in performance and in features.
The first major difference between the 9090cc and the 9095cc is that this model is not a wet/dry razor – you can still clean it under running water, but it is not recommended to take it into the shower.
It’s intended for traditional dry, electric shaving only. However, there are two benefits which come with a dry shaver. First, you’re able to use the 9090 either cordless or with the electric cord attached to the wall as you shave. Second (and probably more importantly), it’s less expensive than the 9095 wet/dry shaver.
The Braun 9090 is good looking but not quite as compact or striking as the 9095 (it’s all silver rather than silver and black) – but it’s pretty darn close, and a great shaver. Checking the specs of the Braun Series 9 9090cc Electric Shaver with Cleaning Center:
Braun Series 9 9050cc Shaver – Dry Shaver & Cleaning System

You’ve probably guessed this by now – the Braun 9050 is basically the same razor as the two we’ve already looked at, but there are a few extra differences as we move down the ladder of the Series 9 line. One critical fact that American readers should know is that the 9050 is difficult to find in the U.S., although it’s easily purchased through European retailers and online sites.
Putting aside the question of availability, the 9050cc is almost identical to the Braun 9090; it’s a dry shaver, it is versatile, waterproof for washing and can be used either in corded or cordless mode, and it provides a wonderful, close shave based on the same SyncroSonic technology.
The only real differences are that the razor is black instead of silver and that the included cleaning system isn’t quite as powerful and doesn’t have an automatic programming mode. The good news is that you can purchase the cleaning center which comes with the higher-level models as a separate accessory, and the 9050 is fully compatible with it.
If you can find this model, it’s worth checking out. Checking the specs of the Braun Series 9 9050cc Electric Shaver with Cleaning Center:
Braun Series 9 9040s Wet & Dry Shaver – With Gels and Foam

The Braun Series 9 9040s, which costs less than the top-of-the-line 9095cc is also difficult to find in the U.S.
The primary reason the 9040 is much less expensive is that it does not come with a cleaning station; in fact, it isn’t compatible with any Braun cleaning systems, so you have to clean it the good old-fashioned way with a brush and water (and soap if you so choose). This model is still waterproof, though, so there’s no problem there.
The real plus to the 9040s is that it is a wet and dry razor, so you can use it either as a conventional electric shaver or with gel or shaving cream. Yes, when shaving with the model 9040s, you should shave your beard using shaving gel or foam. As with all wet & dry models, the operation is cordless only. Oh, we also should mention that it’s the lightest of all the Series 9 shavers and if the color matters to you, it’s basic black.
For a shave that’s this close and comfortable, and at a much lower price than Braun’s top Series 9 models, cleaning your razor by hand isn’t a bad option at all. Details of the Braun Series 9 9040s Wet & Dry Shaver:
P.S We haven’t managed to find 9050 and 9040s on Amazon US yet. We will continue to monitor and update link to them when they are available. Watch This Space!
I keep 2-3 mm beard and I’d like to know if I can trim it with Braun series 9 or it will give me a completely clean shave. In another words, can it be adjusted to the beard hair length?
Also would like to know if the same function can be used to shave my head (2-3 mm) long?
Hi Eric,
Hope you are well.
Unfortunately, the Braun Series 9 does not come with a “trimmer” function. It’s main purpose is to shave clean. The trimmer included is a basic trimmer that can be used to:
– reduce long stubble (effectively for someone who usually shaves, but has left it for the weekend or a holiday break) to shareable length;
– or has stubborn hairs that stand flat under the neck etc
If you are after a trimmer or head shave you can check out our other guides, linked below:
Kind Regards,
Hello. I have used an adjustable Gillette double edge razor on the closest setting (9) most of my life. I was encountering increasing problems with razor bumps (ingrown hairs) and as a result I had to be extremely careful to avoid cutting myself. I have a coarse, thick heavy fast growing beard but unfortunately very sensitive skin. I went to see my dermatologist who suggested switching over to an electric. He recommended a Philiips rotary shaver. I said it would be a waste of money for me since I tried an electric razor years ago and it wasn’t very effective. He said that they’ve come a long way and to give it another try and was certain I would be happy with the result. I proceeded to research the different models and it came down to either the Panasonic ES-LV6 or the Braun 9295. Because of my issues with shaving I chose the Braun because it’s reputation for a more comfortable shave. I have been using the razor for approximately 1 month every other day. However, on about 3 or 4 occasions, I seem to get what I can only describe as the same feeling one would get when you cut yourself with a blade. However there is never any bleeding or redness or a wound of any kind. Now, I’m just wondering is it from possibly the razor yanking a hair and perhaps it’s pinching my skin because I am not pulling the skin taught enough? Or would it improve it I shaved every day?
Hi Cam,
Thanks for the question. It certainly sounds like a good start, 3/4 bad experiences over a month of shaving every day.
It does sound like these are most likely hairs being pulled, or even very small areas of skin being “cut/scraped by the cutters”.
From here it might take a bit of trial and error to find the ideal shaving technique and frequency for your skin. Some things to consider:
– do try slowly moving to shaving every day, as long as your skin handle it
– don’t rush the shave, do stretch the skin carefully, and don’t feel you have to press down too hard with the electric shaver
– what are your pre and post shave routines like? What products are you using if any?
– some people find shaving in the evening before bed is actually better, as the face can be puffy in the morning, and facial hairs harder to get to.
You can also read some tips we had for Bruce via the link below.
Hope this helps a bit, and happy to answer any follow up questions you have.
Oh, and how are the ingrown hairs going since you started using an electric shaver?
Kind Regards,
Thanks for your informative and helpful response Pierce. I have already tried several of the various options suggested. I have determined that shaving every day helps somewhat and definitely a dry shave as opposed to shaving just out of the shower as I used to do with the blade razor. Best wishes!
Great, oh and did you buy the clean and charge station – having a clean shaver before every shave will definitely help as well…
Yes. I bought the cleaninf station as well.
Sorry Pierce, I neglected to address the ingrown hair problem. I have been using the Braun 9295 for approximately 3 months now and have followed your instructions and although it did minimize the amount of what feels like tiny cuts or abrasions, I still get them every now and then. I have determined that dry shaving in the early evening seems to work best for me. And I try to shave every day rather than every other day. This seems to help as well. Insofar as the ingrown hairs, it’s honestly very hard to tell with an electric shaver. I remember reading years ago, that if a barber uses an electric razor on your neck as opposed to a blade, it tends to cause ingrown hairs. So not sure if this is true or not. I do find that in certain areas I may have to go back and forth in several directions before it is truly smooth. Overall I am relieved I don’t have to use a blade razor anymore. Some say an electric never comes close to a blade but it comes pretty darn close.
Do you have any idea what are the differences between the 92XXCC series. For instance in my region there are for sale the following models: 9290CC, 9291CC, 9295CC.
In general I understand there are no big differences, but something has to be, otherwise there wouldn’t be different article numbers…? Maybe 9295CC is newer than the 9290CC?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Taavo,
Yes, Braun has made it a little bit confusing.
The differences are very minor, and with the models you mentioned it comes down to color and differences with the travel cases.
Braun 9290CC has a silver finish and comes with a textile carry case.
Braun 9291CC is the European model version of the 9290cc (so silver finish), but does come with a hard carry case.
Braun 9295CC has a chrome finish and a textile carry case.
The article below explains a few other Braun Series 9 variations.
The models starting with 92xx the latest model shavers (with improved shaving heads and they can be officially used with shaving foam) compared to the slightly older 90xx model shavers.
Hope this helps.
Kind Regards,
Thank you very much Pierce!
I read the article from top to bottom and found it extremly informative and useful – good job!
Now in September slightly updated 93xx series are coming up for sale, so I think it would be wise to wait for a week or two and get the new model with the uprated battery. I guess the differences between 9390CC and 9395CC are the same.
Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Thanks Taavo,
Yes, we are excited to test the new models… 🙂
Kind Regards,
Which foil razor is the quietest?? My husband likes foil razors as they give the best shave and are easiest for under the nose/upper lip area. But they are SO loud! Are there any models noticeably quieter than the rest? Braun vs Panasonic? Thanks!
Hi Erin,
Thanks for your patience. I have updated our page linked below with the dB sound levels for the different shavers on our top 5 best electric shaver list.
Although the decibel reading was the same for the Panasonic ES-LV9N-S and the Braun Series 9, the sounds are slightly different (Panasonic more of a higher pitch, and Braun a slightly lower pitch).
Interestingly, the sound is similar to the top of the line Philips rotary shaver. The cheaper shavers are slightly noisier.
Although the sound is important, I would think that the quality of the shaver offered should be more of a factor.
Let us know if you have any more questions.
Kind Regards,
Braun Series 9 is a hero in the world of best electric shavers. The run after should be Panasonic Arc5 & Philips 9700. Series 9 is a cool shaver for men.
Hi Pierce,
Thank you very much for your explanations and suggestions.
Hi Pierce,
Thank you for very thorough review. It was very helpful for me and I am glad that I found this website.
I recently bought a 9090cc model, before I read your article and thought it’s wet/dry, and wondering what could happen if I use it under shower (without foam and gel). I saw that you do not recommend using it under shower but it is 100% waterproof so shouldn’t it be okay?
I also would like to know if it is possible to even use it with a face wash/facial form and then wash them off with water right after shaving before inserting it into the cleaning station would be okay, as with 9095cc model?
I am thinking of using the cleaning station once a week only instead of everyday but regularly cleaning the shaver thoroughly with brush as well as rinse it under tap water every time I use it. What do you think about it? In this situation, what time frame would you recommend to change my cleaning agent? (I don’t have long beard and also sometime I shave once every two days.)
Thanks again for the useful information provided by you and your team.
Hi Pete,
Great to hear you found the information provided useful.
Unfortunately, we cannot definitively say what will happen to your 9090cc model shaver (other that it will void the warranty) if you decide to use it in the shower, as we have not tested that scenario. Braun is pretty clear that the 9090cc model is a dry shaver that “…is suitable for cleaning under running tap water.” So the shaving head can be held under running water for cleaning, but Braun does not officially say that the shaver body is 100% waterproof.
Now, on the flip side, we have heard anacdotal evidence of some people using the 9090cc in the shower without issue, and the Braun Series 9095cc (which can be used in the shower) and the Braun Series 9090cc models look remarkably similar. So, probably what you need to do is to ask yourself how important it is for you to shave in the shower with the 9090cc – and if you are willing to void the warranty, and risk your shaver malfunctioning. If you are then you can probably start experimenting by shaving in the shower, initially, being very careful to keep the body of the shaver dry…
As for using facial foam with the 9090cc, it has been pretty well established that it is the cleaning and charging station that Braun was trying to “protect” from the foam and not the actual shaver. So if you clean the foam off before placing it in the cleaning station, you might risk voiding the warranty, but there is a very low risk of damaging either the shaver or the cleaning station.
You can simply change the cleaning solution when it runs out (the cleaning station will give you a warning). Evaporation of the cleaning solution is an issue for those who use the cleaning station infrequently – so if this is what you end up doing keep the cleaning solution cap and place it back on after each use…
Kind Regards,
Hi Pierce,
Thank you for the super prompt and much informative reply. Apologies for the delay, I was trying out your suggestions.
In the first place, I quite did not know how electric razors work. I just assumed they can trim and shave week long beards. Thank you for the eye opener. I took your advice and tried using the Braun 9 on 3 day and 2 day stubble. The 3 day stubble seemed to be the right length. However, to wear a smart look to work using the Braun 9 shaver, three times a week made most sense. To my amazement, the moustache area was shaved clean with just the first pass. However, it did not work so well in the cheek areas and the neck was the worst. It took me multiple passes to get the cheek, neck and chin areas shaved. I tried all possible directions against the beard growth. It still somehow missed some ingrown hairs. I tried it with Lectric pre shave just as you suggested but did not notice any marked improvement as the stubble was already popping out (although it reduced razor burn). The neck hairs which Braun 9 missed, came clean off in the first pass with my Gillette Mach 3. The whole ordeal took me about 30 minutes. I might have a weird beard setting, maybe which Braun did not cater to. Looks like Braun 9 is not for me although I could appreciate its craftsmanship (as I could clearly see how well it shaved my musch in just the first pass). I am initiating a return of the product 🙁
I am very disappointed not to go down the path of electric shavers and resort back to old boring wet Gillette shaves. Instead I am considering the Philips Norelco Beard Trimmer 9100 and wear a stubble look or to try something that is quick to use (dry shave) once in two days without the nuisance of lather while giving a close shave and not irritate the skin. The Philips One Blade seems to answer this call. Have you done any reviews on the One Blade?
Finally, thank you for all the help. You guys are absolutely the best. Love your reviews and write ups. They are genuine and super informative.
Hi Sid,
Thanks for your follow up comment… I will post a review of the OneBlade soon…
It sounds like you are resigned to returning the Braun Series 9 which is fine, but I just thought I would paste the information below in case it triggers something you want to try.
Firstly, after switching to an electric shaver from manual shaving, it can take a few weeks for skin and hair to get used to the process i.e. if you persist for a few weeks you might notice a vast improvement in results (usually this is a combination of the skin and hairs getting used to things, and refining personal shaving techniques etc.).
G+S love the Philips Norelco Beard Trimmer 9100, so if you want to go for the stubble look that is certainly a great product. We have a review of the Philips Norelco 9100 trimmer in the article below if you want some more information on it.
In regard to shaving technique and how to improve the results, this information was posted in reply to a comment Bogdan made on the page below.
Things to try to get a better shave of your neck (and face)
1) As a general rule with electric shavers we would say that you want the hairs to be dry and stiff before you begin shaving. This way the hairs are easier to shear once they have gotten in the head of the shaver – so generally we would say to
avoid washing your neck/face before shaving.
1a) There is a great product we can recommend Lectric Shave which makes whiskers stiff and stand on end. You could try applying this just to your neck or to your entire face.
2) Ignoring the general rule above have you tried a wet shave? You could try a wet shave with just water, with creams, or shaving in the shower. Have you tried shaving at different times – before and after a shower, before work and after work? Note
– when you first wake up in the morning you skin tends to be slightly swollen, so wait at least 20 minutes before trying to shave (this allows the hairs to be closer to the surface of the skin making for an easier shave).
3) Have you tried to trim the neck hairs first with the precision trimmer and then shave?
4) Shave your problem area/neck first. This will mean the shaver heads are cooler – some guys find this helps to improve results.
5) The next suggestions are shaving technique related. With coarse to medium coarse hairs, and specifically neck hairs, you probably have to resign yourself to the fact that you will not capture all hairs on the first or even second pass.
– add and reduce pressure, see what works.
– Tilt your head back and to the side to stretch out the skin on the neck. Use your opposite hand to help stretch the skin.
– shave in all directions, circular, up and down, sideways etc. Don’t restrict yourself, play around and see what works. Change the stroke length, long short, faster, slower…
Cheers Pierce
Hi Sid,
Here is the mini review of the OneBlade Pro…
Link to the product on amazon ->
Overall, I was actually quite impressed with the OneBlade Pro -> it performed above
my expectations.
There are a few different OneBlade models, the OneBlade Pro comes with an adjustable trimmer attachment which can trim from .4mm to 10mm.
Test Process and Results
1) I opened the package and charged the OneBlade, which took about 60 minutes.
2) I then proceeded to trim my beard to a uniform length of about 4mm. This was very quick and effective. I immediately noticed that the OneBlade was very light and easy to manoeuvre. The fact that it can trim on both edges and in both directions was a nice surprise.
2a). I did try to create some straight lines for my beard on my cheeks, but could not really do this effectively with the OneBlade.
3) I then trimmed the left side of my face, with the guard set at 0.4mm. This once again was very quick, only really requiring one pass.
4) I then removed the guard and “shaved” the left side of my face. Because the 0.4mm trim was already quite close I did not notice a huge difference in length, but this next shave did remove a few more hairs. Once again the OneBlade moved smoothly over my face and did not snag or pull any hairs.
5) I then wanted to test how the OneBlade shaved reasonably long hair, so without the guard I shaved the right side of my face (which had the 4mm stubble). I certainly noticed that the OneBlade then took a lot longer to shave this side of my face – let’s say it required 3/4 passes to get rid of all the hairs. But each pass only took a few seconds, so overall the shave was very quick. I did not notice any major pulling, and I did not notice any irritation (and I would certainly expect no ingrown hairs from using this product). Overall the shave is not as close for me as the Braun Series 7 or 9, but I was pleasantly surprised with the results.
Cleaning the OneBlade was very simple, as I could just rinse it under running water (turning the OneBlade on while allowing hot water from the tap to run over the blade).
Overall, I would say this is a great product for those who want a quick dry shave (from 2 to 3 days growth), which is not overly close, and without much risk of skin irritation and ingrown hairs. I have not tested the OneBlade with a wet shave yet.
I obviously have not used it enough at this point to tell whether the battery, build, or blade life is up to scratch but I am not too concerned by these factors as Philips is a big brand and will stand buy their product if anything goes wrong (2 year guarantee was provided with my purchase).
Hope this helps a bit with your purchasing decisions.
Cheers Pierce
Only 3 day beard? 🙁
Hi G&S,
Thank you for this review. This was very useful and helped me decide to go with Braun 9293s (without the cleaning station), despite the higher price. The cleaning station forces the user to perform only dry shaves due to its inability to work / clean with wet shaves. I have been using Gillette Mach 3 razors for the past 12 years and this would be my first electric shaver experience.
I ordered the 9293s through Amazon and they did a quick delivery. I got the box with English and French labelling. Braun mentions that the 9 series shaver is tested on a 3 day beard. However, I took this for granted when making choice to go with 9293s. I shave only once a week during the weekends and I have moderate beard growth. So I unboxed the shaver charged it for a hour and tested it by running it on my 1 week beard. It did not work in the first pass. I tried with some pressure during the second pass while stretching my skin. The shaver instead of cutting my beard, it kind of pulled (i.e. plucked) the hairs and lacerated my skin. But still could not shave the beard. I tried the same with wet foam. Still did not work and further hurt my skin (this time with scratches and led to mild cuts with bleeding). I knew I was doing it wrong. I used the trimmer to zero down my beard on the other cheek and then tried the shaver again. This time it seemed to shave during the first pass. However, I still felt a razor shave is still better and neat. It is hard for me to believe and I do not feel like returning the product (because it looks so good) 😛
Apologies for the long introduction and background. Long story short: Does the 9392s work only 3 day beards? Could you confirm it does not work on anything longer than a 3 or 4 day beard? I want to know if I received a defective piece or misunderstood the concept of electric shavers. Apologies in advance for the ignorance.
Best regards,
Hi Sid,
Very sorry to hear about your frustrations.
Unfortunately, it is more likely that the Braun Series 9 just does not work on your week long beard, rather than you having received a defective unit. The Braun Series 9 shaver is quite an amazing shaver and can handle longer facial hair than most other shavers. However, there is a point at which the facial hair is just too long and thick for any shaver to cut and it will end up pulling. The only way to say exactly which “day of growth” that is for you is to test it ( 1. shave fully – then grow your beard for 1 day and shave; 2. shave fully – then grow your beard for 2 days and shave etc.). For your skin and facial hair type (curly or straight etc.) this might end up being 2 days. From my experience the facial hair needs to be at a point where it is still “spiky” enough for the individual hairs to be captured in the shaving foil i.e. the hair cannot be so long that it has started to curl or lose structure.
I am not sure it will help much with longer facial hair but you could try using this product linked below to try to stiffen up your facial hair before shaving.
If after your further tests, you work out you need to be shaving with the Braun 9293s every 2 days for it to be effective for your skin and facial hair type, and you are not willing to shave every 2 days then it would appear you have a few options:
1) Return the Braun 9293s, and depending on your purchasing agreement with Braun, you should receive a full refund
2) Just return to your disposable Gillette’s
3) If you like the stubble look, and don’t want to shave a lot, you could consider using a stubble trimmer. Many men save a lot of time by just trimming their facial hair down to stubble once a week. You can read more below.
4) If you want to try something new you could try out safety razors or straight razor shaving. See details below.
Good luck and let us know what you decide.
Kind Regards,
Can you please talk about two other topics (for this and any other razor review):
– how good, and expensive, are their replacement heads?
– how are they at shaving at tough to reach areas like your upper lip/under your nose?
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the questions. Replacement heads are available for the Braun Series 9 shavers via the amazon link below (you can also search for replacement heads for other shavers there as well). They are as good as brand new heads and should be replaced at least once a year.
Braun Series 9 –> link to product on Amazon
For shaving under the upper lip, with the Braun Series 9 electric razor, the GroomNStyle review team achieved the best results by locking the shaving head into position (via the MultiHeadLock) and then stretching the front lip over the upper lip to tighten the skin (you will look like someone who has taken their dentures out). Using this technique we were able to achieve a very effective result.
Kind Regards,
Great article! After reading this and other great posts and reviews praising the Braun Series 9 9095cc, I purchased one. Fantastic dry shave! However, I found out after purchasing , according to the user manual that foam or gel should not be used with the 9095cc. Other models however without the cleaning station can be used with foam or gel. From what I gather from other users correspondence with Braun is that the foam or gel may clog the pumps or lines of the cleaning station thus voiding the warranty. It has no effect on the shaver itself. Other users claim to use it with foam or gel and quickly manually clean the head before using the station with no ill effects. I say user beware. I am trying to discover if shaving soap lathered up applied with a brush I use for DE shaving is okay to use with the shaver. Thanks.
Hi Michael,
Very good point. This is certainly an area of confusion around Braun’s wet shavers. I have updated the article to ensure it is crystal clear for future readers.
Kind Regards, Lisa & The GroomNStyle team
I want a very close cut bald head what clipper or trimmer should I use
Hiya Maurice,
Please check out GroomNStyles review of the top 5 best electric headshavers.
or for the best trimmers you can read