
  • Franz Rivoira

    Franz is an expert in watches and grooming. He has extensive knowledge of mechanical watches and loves exploring the details that make each one unique. He's also passionate about helping men look their best and shares tips on grooming, including achieving a perfect shave or maintaining a healthy beard. Franz is a go-to source for anyone looking to elevate their style game. Linkedin:

How to Clean and Maintain an Electric Shaver Properly – Top Tips

Posted on: 10 Jun 2023

How to Clean and Maintain an Electric Shaver Properly – Top Tips You’ve picked out your new electric shaver, or you received it as a gift, and you’re excited to start using it. Or, maybe you’re still researching the best type of electric razor to buy for your needs. If so, you should check out … Read more

Are You Sabotaging Your Muscle Gains With These 7 Mistakes?

Posted on: 10 Jun 2023

You’ve been running yourself ragged. You spend more time at the gym than at home. You push yourself so hard you’re pretty sure you’ll bust a vein if you do one more rep. And despite all this, you still aren’t seeing the results you were hoping for. Something is obviously wrong somewhere. Don’t worry, though, … Read more

Why Backpacking Light or Minimalistic Backpacking Is For You

Posted on: 10 Jun 2023

The wilderness is closer than you think. Moreover, not only are the wilds not all that far from your front door, the truth is that you can enjoy the wilderness with just a handful of items if you go minimalistic and lightweight. The decision to go minimalist backpacking is one that people make every day all … Read more

Gifts for Men with Beards – 20 Products Every Beard Lover Should Own

Posted on: 10 Jun 2023

Gifts for Men with Beards – 20 Products Every Beard Lover Should Own Some guys have thick, full beards, while others do what they can with lighter, finer ones. Your beard can be a chore, or it can be your pride and joy. At Groom+Style, we love beard, and could talk about them all day … Read more

Manscaping Your Body – The Ultimate Guide

Posted on: 10 Jun 2023

Manscaping Your Body – The Ultimate Guide If you’re a man, then this conversation has probably come up at some point. You’ve probably been asked if you trim the boys? And the probability is that unless you prefer the caveman look, you have. Lots of men feel comfortable enough to groom their body hair and … Read more